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Walking, the simple form of walking: two people, staring straight ahead, walk slowly, in step, in the same direction.
Walking, the simple form of walking: two people, staring straight ahead, walk slowly, in step, in the same direction. No need to indicate when to stop or when to move on together; no matter if there’s more than two or if they move faster, it’s the same thing.
No words, just a resonance, a dialogue between consciences.
The resonance bursts forth from tension, tension generated by a collision, two taut surfaces collide.
Yet, if one of them slackens, the other does so too, and the resonance disappears.
Apparently ontogenesis is like phylogenesis.
A one-month old foetus begins its metamorphosis, from fish to amphibian, from reptile to mammal.
The advent, which took place over several million of years during the Palaeozoic era, takes a human foetus but several days.
The noise of blood flowing through the womb of a mother sounds like the movement of waves.
This is the first resonance that we hear.
Ushio Amagatsu