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héâtre-élévision (pseudo-spectacle)

Year of production
Year of creation

With this choreographic project, Boris Charmatz proposes a specific format and challenges the viewing conventions governing the art of choreography: the performance hall, the relationship between the stage and the performers, the being-together.

With this choreographic project, Boris Charmatz proposes a specific format and challenges the viewing conventions governing the art of choreography: the performance hall, the relationship between the stage and the performers, the being-together. “héâtre-élévision” is a filmed choreographic work broadcast on a TV screen integrated into an installation intended for a single viewer. From the stage to the TV screen, from being-together to the individual, from the live performance to the image, this work calls on the notion of installation as used in contemporary art and visual arts. To watch this televised “performance,” the viewer reclines on a bench and comes face-to-face with a multitude of dancers gesticulating in the image. The film is neither linear nor narrative, but it contains different forms of theatricality, absurd dances, mysterious spaces which are woven together, without ever creating a single meaning. Filmed at La Chaufferie de Saint-Denis, a former power plant, this film loop displays bodies constrained by space, by rhythm and facial expressions, forms of choreographic contortion which generate a certain feeling of estrangement.
It is important to note that the conditions in which the object is seen are essential to appreciating the work. The chosen extract can only offer you an archival approach to the work.

Source : Boris Charmatz

More information :

Year of production
Year of creation
Secondary artistic direction
Dimitri Chamblas
Yves Godin
Galina Ustvolskaya : Composition n°1, Dona Nobis Pacem (1970 / 1971), Philippe Bailleul
Other collaboration
Figurants : Silvia Allroggen, Clotilde Amprimoz, René Arnold, Jean-Baptiste Audolleut, Elisabeth Bardin, Olivier Benoit, Lise Bilien, Suzanne Bodak, Claire Bottéro, Stéphane Bottéro, Hélène Bouquin, Judith Cahen, Eve Cavaciuti, Sarah Clenet, Anne Collod, Emilie Combet, Sophie Couineau, Agnès Dahan, Lionel Dejean, François-Xavier Delarue, Blandine Delcroix, Eve Delugeau, Cyril Desclés, Makissa Diabate, Henri-Emmanuel Doublier, Damien Dreux, Isabelle Droin, Vincent Druguet, Chloé Dutilh, Anne Duval, Hélène Exbrayat, Cerise Farthouat, Catherine Fontana, Hideaki Fuwa, Mélanie Gambie, Anne Gerschel, Mireille Guimbretière, Florian Goetz, Camilla Gotta, Antoine Grospiron, Célia Houdart, Julie Jameron, Bruno Joliet, William Jouve, Katerina Kanelli, Matthieu Kavyrchine, Dalila Khatir, Nicole Klein, Céline Kraus, Joris Lacoste, Isabelle Launay, Aude Lavigne, Goulnara et Xavier Le Torrivellec, Sophie Lecomte Berrué, Johanna Levy, Marina Ligeron, Axelle Locatelli, Emna M’Rabet, Ange Macias, Laure Massias, Mathilde Mazaud, Patrick Mazeirat, Sabine Mit, Pascale Montenay, Delphine de Noray, Rigize Noui, Lise Paillet, Catherine Pavet, Fanny Pentel, Carole Perdereau, Mickaël Phelippeau, Catherine Plaisance, Emeline Ponchel, Martial Prévert, Benoît Raguenet, Natalija Rajak, Juliette Rime, Petra Sabisch, Diniz Sanchez, Flora Sans, Adrienne Saulnier Blache, Caroline Schneider, Izabel Stewart, Fanny Tanous, Li-Ping Ting, Misuzu Totsuka, Muriel Touaty, Fabrice Vincent, Natasha Young
Nuno Bizarro, Boris Charmatz, Julia Cima, Benoît Lachambre, Mathilde Lapostolle, Myriam Lebreton, Philippe Bailleul
Olivier Renouf, Claire Thiébault
Production of choreographic work
Association edna, Musée de la danse, Kaaitheater (Bruxelles), Le Cargo / Maison de la culture de Grenoble, Les Spectacles vivants – Centre Pompidou, Centre National de la Danse, Centre Chorégraphique National de Tours (accueil studio), Bonlieu Scène Nationale (Annecy), Festival d’Automne à Paris, Montpellier Danse, Centre Chorégraphique National de Montpellier Languedoc-Roussillon, Hebbel Theater (Berlin), Siemens Arts Program. Avec le soutien du DICREAM (aide à la réalisation), de la compagnie DCA – Philippe Decouflé, de Iris Caméra et de Locaflash. héâtre-élévision a été réalisé dans le cadre d’une résidence à La Chaufferie (Saint-Denis).
Technical direction
Jean-Michel Hugo
Video production
Isabelle Tat
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