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Filmed performances

Hairy 2.0

Year of production
Year of creation

Hairy 2.0 is a choreographic piece for a performer and his hair.

Hair is one of the few parts of the human body that cannot be moved voluntarily and directly. Choreography and dance, on the other hand, can be considered an art of physical control. The choreography of hair therefore carries with it a dramatic tension: how to control the uncontrollable. This tension is the starting point for Hairy 2.0.

Because of its uncontrollable nature, hair can be seen as an entity separate from our bodies, yet dependent on them. Hair is a border, a boundary that both separates us and connects us to what is physically outside us. A choreography made for hair thus raises ontological questions about our identity, our body and its autonomy.

Long, loose hair has a strong symbolic meaning in Western society. It evokes freedom, romance, naturalness and liberation from tradition or oppression. Strimaitis uses all these symbols as a formalist tool to develop counterpoints that are not only temporal and spatial, but also interpretative.

Source: Maison de la danse program

Year of production
Year of creation
Video production
Original score
original composition by Julijona Biveinytė
Prelude from Bach’s Cello Suite No. 4 played by Yo-Yo Ma
Lisa M. Barry
Production of choreographic work
Coproduct by Conny Janssen Danst and Dansateliers
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