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Ensemble, deux pas vers l’autre face [transmission 2014]
Extrait chorégraphique remonté par le groupe ENMD Family (Cayenne), coordinatrice artistique Nadia Egalgi, dans le cadre de Danse en amateur et répertoire (2013)
Choreography by Miguel Nosibor
A choreographic extract remodelled by the group ENMD Family (Cayenne), artistic coordinator Nadia Egalgi, as part of the “Danse en amateur et repertoire” programme (2013) (a programme created to assist and promote amateur dancing).
The group
The ENMD Family is a group of young amateur dancers aged thirteen to twenty-one, who for the past two years and more has followed the curriculum proposed by the Conservatoire de Musique, Danse et Théâtre de Guyane, and entered into a choreographic creative process with Nadia Egalgi, their teacher. Their main discipline is hip-hop with a modern jazz/classical option. They have participated in a large number of creative projects and training courses in French Guiana and mainland France: the Festival Aubagne 2012 and 2013, training courses with Miguel Nosibor from the En Phase company, Akeem Houssam from the Ethadam company, etc. These young people are extremely committed to their dance and are united by strong bonds of friendship.
The project
For this first experience, the choice of Miguel Nosibor was obvious. Through his career and professional experience, he is one of the artists, dancers, choreographers and teachers who has generated a real dynamic in French Guiana. He is one of the rare dancers to have presented a hip-hop solo, Temps d’arrêt, in May 2011 with which a large number of dancers identified through his choreographic world, aesthetics, gestural art and artistic vocabulary. Thanks to the bonds forged with the students by his regular visits to the Conservatoire and the creative work that he stimulated among young people, what more natural for these dancers than to decide to explore and play one of his creations.
The choreographer and artist
Born in Marseille in the late 1960s, Miguel Nosibor is part of the old generation. Like Mourad Merzouki and Kader Attou, he watched Sydney’s cult programme H.I.P. H.O.P on French TV. and was marked by the founder of Nation Zulu, Afrika Bambaataa (the person considered as one of the fathers of the hip-hop movement). Like them, he had already made a name for himself on stage before becoming interested in transmission. Without doubt, his meeting with Mic Guillaumes (choreographer and expert for the French Ministry of Culture and Communication on transmission issues) was decisive in his research. An emblematic figure of hip-hop, he has created and taught for the past fifteen years within the company En Phase, based in Aubagne.