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Enjoy the Silence
Recorded at the CND 23 April 2013
The Festival Concordan(s)e is a unique adventure in which a writer meets a choreographer. The idea is that two artists, who have never met prior to the festival, observe the other and question each other on what drives their desire to create. The result of this immersion in each other’s creative world is a unique joint creation, in which the writer and the choreographer reveal what has surprised them, what they learned, on this quest to expand their own universe. The audience then becomes a witness to this experience which always illustrates the complicity that has been established and the space that each artist proposes to the other. The intention of these encounters is to discover, in the same scenic space, the choreographer’s work and the writer’s expression in this joint artistic act.
Enjoy the Silence
Célia Houdart is an author. Mickaël Phelippeau is a choreographer and dancer. Why did she choose to write and he to dance? He invites her to his house. She invites him to her house. They exchange a few words. They tell each other stories. They dance for each other. They listen to each other. And discover that they like to sit in silence together.
Further information
Concordan(s)e festival website
Updated: September 2013