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Dialogues en pleine nature [transmission 2016]
Extrait remonté par le groupe Choréa (Le Pré-Saint-Gervais), responsable artistique Patrick Beauce, dans le cadre de Danse en amateur et répertoire (2015)
Choreography by Isabelle Abelé Dubouloz
An extract remodelled by the group Choréa (Le Pré-Saint-Gervais), artistic manager Patrick Beauce, as part of the “Danse en amateur et repertoire” programme (2015) (a programme created to assist and promote amateur dancing).
The group
Initiated by Rita Marcher in 2010 in Le Pré-Saint-Gervais, Choréa works on states of presence in order to intensify the relationship with oneself, with other people and with movement. The association members practice qi gong, tai-chi-chuan, and yoga, among others. They thus found the approach adopted by Isabelle Abelé-Dubouloz particularly attractive. The group, which participates regularly in events and performances, was selected for the Danse élargie competition organised by the Musée de la danse de Rennes and the Théâtre de la Ville in Paris. The group also enjoys performing outdoors, in the gardens and parks of Paris. It uses the premises of the dance and music school in Le Pré-Saint-Gervais.
The project
It was the dancer Martha Rodezno, who interpreted Dialogues en pleine nature (2000), who transmitted the piece and the specific spirit of Isabelle Abelé-Dubouloz. Rooted in the elements and matter (wind, water, fire, earth, grass, etc.), the chosen piece highlights the sensitive and unique experience of each individual in relation to nature and landscapes. It allows them to examine and refine still further their relationship with the outdoors and their experience as performers in urban parks. Three extracts from the show, adapted for the amateurs’ technical level, are showcased, and were the subject of a training course given by Isabelle Abelé-Dubouloz.
The choreographer
A dancer, choreographer and pedagogue, Isabelle Abelé-Dubouloz first created a company with Pierre Doussaint in 1982. Awarded first prize at the Concours de Bagnolet in 1985, she went on to produce creations such as Sang d’encre, La Beauté des fleurs, and Heureux les vents. A practiser of aikido since 1985, she collaborates in the Académie d’arts martiaux et d’art contemporain (Academy of martial arts and contemporary art) with actors, painters, musicians and martial artists. She is currently a member of the collegial board of the Académie des arts martiaux et arts du geste (Academy of martial arts and gestural arts), develops danced movement, and collaborates with the association Les Ormes, oasis pour le Vivant, in the Champagne region.