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D’eux sens
Abou Lagraa
Cutting Flat
Abou Lagraa
Allegoria Stanza
Abou Lagraa
D’eux sens
Abou Lagraa
Nuit Blanche
Abou Lagraa
On the bridge
Nawal Lagraa – Aït Benalla
Nawal Lagraa – Aït Benalla
Un monde en soi
Abou Lagraa
Abou Lagraa’s dance
Abou Lagraa
Où transe
Abou Lagraa
Abou Lagraa
Abou Lagraa
Le projet du Pont Culturel Méditerranéen
Abou Lagraa
Le projet pédagogique au sein du Pont Culturel Méditerranéen
Nawal Lagraa – Aït Benalla
Interview Abou Lagraa
Abou Lagraa
Interview Nassim Feddal | Pont Culturel Méditerranéen / NYA
Fabien Plasson
Interview Mokhtar Boussouf | Pont Culturel Méditerranéen / NYA
Fabien Plasson
Cutting Flat
Abou Lagraa
Allegoria Stanza
Abou Lagraa
Abou Lagraa
Où Transe
Abou Lagraa
Universe… Africa (tribute to Nina Simone)
Abou Lagraa
Artists in residency – Hong Kong
Abou Lagraa
El Djoudour (extrait) 2013 – Abou Lagraa
Abou Lagraa
Reportage El Djoudour
Abou Lagraa
Ô mon corps ! [extrait 2]
Abou Lagraa
Ô my body !
Nawal Lagraa – Aït Benalla
El Djoudour
Abou Lagraa
El Djoudour, the roots
Abou Lagraa
Création “Le Cantique des Cantiques” [extrait]
Cie La Baraka / La Chapelle – Abou Lagraa & Nawal Aït Benalla
Le Cantique des Cantiques – Création à la Maison
Abou Lagraa
Do you be
Nawal Lagraa – Aït Benalla
Do you be [intégral]
Nawal Lagraa – Aït Benalla
The song of the songs
Abou Lagraa
Le Cantique des cantiques
Abou Lagraa
Abou Lagraa
Wonderful One
Abou Lagraa
D’Eux Sens
Luc Riolon
DO YOU BE – Nawal Lagraa Aït Benalla (Teaser)
Nawal Lagraa – Aït Benalla
Abou Lagraa , Nawal Lagraa – Aït Benalla
One to one
Abou Lagraa
D'Eux Sens
Piece dedicated to my father-in-law, Salim AiT Benalla (April 1949 – March 2008)
” While immersing myself in the poetry of Omar Khayyâm – a great Persian poet, philosopher and mathematician of the 11th century, I’ve been immediately seduced and inspired by the deepness and the humility of his discourse about the meaning of life and by his way of lauding the “joyousness of God”.
Khayyâm, with his Rubaiyat (quatrain in Persian), described himself as an infidel but a worshipper , and was critical towards the Muslim religious people. This is what interrogated me with questions, being myself a Muslim.
In this duo, I’m inspired by some of his quatrains, which raises questions on the passage of time, the fleeting pleasures of life and the immicence of death. Through spiral movements, between sky and earth, in a fluid dance thwarted by breathing, it seemed evident to me to talk about love in couple, burning desire, love of the one another another until self-loss and loss of the other. The dancers transcend this duo, exhilarated by the musical fusion of Sufi tradition and occidental electronic music. An original soundtrack by Eric Aldea and Ivan Chiossone mingles with iranian santûr and with the a cappella version of Omar Khayyâm’s quatrains by the Afghan singer Massoud Raonaq. Finally, the dan cer NawalAit Benalla Lagraa and myself are conversing and exploring “from the inside”, to let our own truth reverberate in each of us.”
Source : Abou Lagraa
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