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Crawl de Lucien (Le) (2e version)

2e version

Year of production
Year of creation

Un peu penchée, fixant le public, une femme lentement ouvre un bras, puis l’autre, répète son geste avant que la lumière ne l’emporte vers d’austères et drus massifs en fond de scène.

Le Crawl de Lucien is a title borrowed from one of the musical pieces composed by Gilles Grand which are included in the show with the same name. These few words (“Lucien’s crawl”), straightforward and absurd at the same time, may be considered as a reference title. They could also be the first words of a conversation, the only words heard of it by an outsider, like the emerging point of a long iceberg of conversations and secret relationships […]
This very particular swimming stroke, surprising in a title, more than any other stroke allows to glide in that rich area of complex sensations, called by some the surface, when it is rather an interface or borderline situation between the worlds of water and air. Imagine how different Aline’s breaststroke or Marcel’s butterfly would be.
Company Bagouet programme – 1985
“… A style built around an abstract mathematical composition whose dryness is counterbalanced by figures with sibylline names: ‘the jug’, ‘the clouds’, which are so many minor visual events – like drawing in space the oval of a face:  a stitch of embroidery carefully done on a harsh fabric.
No plot, no psychology. Only the fluid slow motion movement in water. The moment lines form, they break, the moment movements take shape, they fade away. It is the lyrical extraction which draws, as we know it since Bazaine, its natural rhythm from the contemplation of our most gorgeous hills and our most verdant hillsides.”
Brigitte Paulino-Neto, Libération – July 12 1985     

Year of production
Year of creation
Jacques Chatelet
Original score
Gilles Grand (composition), Canope Music (conception musicale), Philippe Le Goff (piano), Emmanuelle Miton (violoncelle)
Jean-Pierre Alvarez, Dominique Bagouet, Christian Bourigault, Claire Chancé, Sarah Charrier, Bernard Glandier, Michel Kelemenis, Catherine Legrand, Dominique Noel, Sonia Onckelinx, Michèle Rust
Production of video work
Vidéothèque de Paris, Arcanal, Centre audiovisuel de Paris, Duran. Participation : ministère de la Culture, ministère de l’Industrie, ministère des PTT, Mission TV-câble
Set design
Dominique Bagouet, Christian Halkin, Michel Ortega
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