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Adrienne Brown
Eoghan O’Reilly
Year of production

This work of screendance was shot in Super 8 for the 2017 edition of our festival dedicated to low and old tech.

Contritionnoun. c.1300,fromOldFrenchcontriteanddirectlyfromLatincontritus,literally “wornout,groundtopieces”, pastparticipleofconterere“togrind”,fromcon,“together”+terere,“torub”. Usedin Englishinfigurativesenseof“crushedinspiritbyasenseofsin.”

Dancer: Roberta Ceginskaite

Choreograpy: Adrienne Brown

Camera: Eoghan O Reilly

Directed  by Adrienne Brown and Eoghan O Reilly

Produced by Eoghan O’Reilly

Shot on Kodak Vision 3 Colour Negative Super 8 film and Kodak Tri X Black and White Reversal Super 8 film

Adrienne Brown
Eoghan O’Reilly
Year of production
Roberta Ceginskaite
Video production
Image Eoghan O Reilly – Réalisé par Adrienne Brown et Eoghan O Reilly – Produit par Eoghan O’Reilly – Filmé en Kodak Vision 3 Colour Negative Super 8 film et Kodak Tri X Black and White Reversal Super 8 film
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