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Cloud Chasers
Cloud Chasers is the 7th part of « Mutant Stage », a series of short choreographic videos produced by Lafayette
Anticipation, Fondation d’entreprise Galeries Lafayette, as part of the rehabilitation of the building.
Throughout this exploration of smoke sculptures created by cloud chasers, (LA)HORDE seeks to give shape to
a latent moment within the Foundation’s transition.
The smoke occupies the space with a volatile and magical aesthetic, exploring its potential to welcome
artworks and artistic projects in development. It bears witness to a space in mutation, whose shapes are not
yet defined.
The cloud chaser’s posture, a new generation smoker, embodies an active expectation which gives rise to
an artistic exploration and emphasizes that the Fondation d’entreprise Galeries Lafayette already exists, and
that pieces are created within it. This film wishes to be a surprising and unexpected response to Lafayette
Anticipation’s commission, offering a radical gesture stemming from a different kind of dance and questioning
of spaces for creation.