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Faced with a world anxiously clinging to its traditions, we wanted to ask contemporary artists and musicians to shift our perspective with one of the 17th century’s most codified dances, the chaconne.
Faced with a world anxiously clinging to its traditions, we wanted to ask contemporary artists and musicians to shift our perspective with one of the 17th century’s most codified dances, the chaconne. “This dive into the baroque era naturally echoed my education in the Paris Opera Ballet corps,” explained Raphaëlle Delaunay. “The baroque period tried to say: a world where all the opposites would be harmoniously possible. It turned conflict into a principle of harmony. What dissonances could we compose with today? With irreverence, but with a desire to return all the verve and symbolic force to the body, I image a court ballet in 2015. A duet accompanied by Sébastien D’Hérin on the harpsichord and two other musicians.
Source : Les Subsistances
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