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Bribes urbaines
Urban scraps aimes to transcribe images, sensations, atmospheres and architectures of the city, habits and relations between the various groups of today’s society. These elements that are nearby often go unnoticed while they constitute the richness of our trace in the city. Through different successive passages, this choreographic piece highlights elements chosen by the choreographer. These passages are restored by the emotion of the bodies, the dance movements, the aesthetics proposed – as so many evocations of our imprint in the city. “Impossible to go home without falling on the anger of the parents. The cobblestones and the sand slide under my feet, at random from the paths taken. The hours pass, gaping scraps of history that the city offers me”.
Source: show program. Performed on Friday November 23, 2012, Théâtre de Verdure de l’Institut Français de Cotonou, within the Event organized by Fondation Zinsou and entilted “Dansons Maintenant !”.