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a musical and danced performance
Breathisdancing is a response to La Pop’s commission-question: what would an “augmented recital” be?
The proposal focuses on breath as a trigger for sounds, movements, affects and emotions.
Three body-breather-instrumentalists meet and work from grids of musical, temporal and physical constraints set by Alban Richard, with the sole objective of constantly generating sound and movement. To generate is to produce something, to make it an inescapable consequence, to engender it, to be its source.
It is the attention of the three performers manufacturing this sound sculpture that determines, in the moment, the possibilities of the movements.
The sounds they produce accumulate to create a mass, spectral music, an imaginary landscape.
Constantly transforming, this magma of textures, qualities and rhythms, forces the audience to redefine their bearings or to lose themselves in this hybrid sound mapping.
Source : CCN Caen, Normandy