Fabienne Yvert
After experimenting with artists’ books in the 1980s, from the 1990s Fabienne Yvert began to publish an increasing amount of poetry, either in books published by Harpo &, des petits livres or in magazines like If, Action poétique, Le Cahier du refuge and Sarrazine. Her poetic universe, focussing mainly on the exploration of daily life, snapshots of wonder and flickers of meaning, goes well with a typographical and artistic experience that is continuously renewing itself. Fabienne Yvert has also been published by Attila – Télescopages (2010), Papa part maman ment mémé meurt (2011), L’endiguement des renseignements (2012) and by la ville brûle ed. – Y’en a marre d’être pauvre (2012).
Updated: September 2013