Carmen Werner
Provisional Danza Company is running for more than 30 years in the scene. Her founder, Carmen Werner, is one of the most talented and prolific creators of the International panorama.
Not only she has shared with the world hundreds of creations that she presents herself and other companies in Europe, Asia and America, but she has been the teacher with capital letters of current dancers and choreographers that flood the publicity board of the contemporary dance.
In her universe, Werner has lived through several periods. It was somewhere near the year 2000 when her works gave the first change, a symptom of an anxious and creative woman, chosen for something bigger. She left behind creations which were crossing instructively with crudeness and poetry to do a dance with another humour and theatricality, more direct with the public and its laughs, works with another risk and an aperture in which she was causing again major curiosity and reference of the one that she already had.
She possesses a repertoire marked by the force and the originality, turning into source of inspiration for many profession partners, an inexhaustible ideas source and of production. Because Carmen Werner with her company has given form, not only has designed an endless of possible worlds, but she has given them existence with gestures and sound-tracks of emotive fixation in the memory.
Her long trajectory leads at present in very rich productions in the choreographic language, casts that moves with a spectacular mastery, in which combines excellence in the choral movement, voice and things.
In Carmen’s works there always seems to be a different role between men and women, a need to be accompanied and really, personages that they seem to be observed as if they were objects, but they speak about the human thing with assertiveness and honesty.
The tidiness of her technical language does that each choreography, wrapped up from the simplicity, they are moving the spectators for photos of a time, of scenes that seemed to exist. It is as if Carmen was relating a part of the happened but she is so skillful that we can see what she does not show and also make it ours.
Provisional Danza and Carmen Werner is a part of the history, not only for what she has done but because in every work she reminds us who we are and who we might become, for having flooded many looks and keeping on being inspired to continue branching out this tree of hers to which many of us are lucky to belong.
Her works belong to skin and hugs and it can be only the reflex of the compromise and the humanity of this big woman. A kindness like few ones. This does that every step of dance caresses you and want to be this air that her arms touch on having moved.
Daniel Abreu
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