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Art critic and curator, Christophe Wavelet co-directed the activities of  the Quatuor Knust project (1993-2001), sat on the editorial boards of  the journals Vacarme and Mouvement, watched over the activities of the international research pole at the National Center of Dance, then directed the LiFE- International Place of Emerging Forms (2005-2010), institution dedicated to the production and diffusion of contemporary scenes of art. His articles and essays are published in numerous magazines and occasionally in exhibition catalogs. Prioritizing discursive projects from different cultural areas, in 2012 and 2013 he  was the laureate of the Akademie Schloss Solitude, and worked on an essay and the French translation of Writings of the Brazilian artist Helio Oiticica. He also designed and curated the “Scenes de Geste” program at the CND in November 2015.

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