Vivien Visentin
Artistic director of the company Accord des nous
Choreographer / Dancer-performer
Certified jazz dance teacher
Trained at the IFP Rick Odums, where he danced for the Jeune Ballet, he has performed in cabaret and film (Les Chatouilles – Andréa Bescond) and for various companies: Cie Avril en Juillet (B. Estrabaut), Cie Choréonyx (B. Taylor). He is currently working for Cie PGK (P. Greenwood Karagozian).
A state graduate in jazz dance from the Choréïa centre, he wanted to develop his teaching approach further by joining the CNSMD in Lyon. He obtained the Certificat d’Aptitude in jazz dance and the D2PEAC (Diplôme de 2e cycle Pédagogie Enseignement de l’Art Chorégraphique) where he developed a research project on the link between terminology and creativity.
A teacher at the Conservatoire de Troyes, where he was coordinator of the dance department, he also works at the ECM in Paris (École de formation en comédie musicale) as well as at the Désoblique centre in Lyon and the ESAL in Metz as a teacher for the Diplôme d’État. He is regularly invited to serve as a jury member (Baccalauréat danse, conservatoires, FFDanse, DE, CA, etc.).
He has been commissioned by the French Ministry of Culture to choreograph a variation for the 2nd jazz cycle, and also creates the variations for the French Jazz Dance Championships organised by the French Dance Federation.
Director of the Accord des nous company, he is developing a vision in which performer, teacher and choreographer form a triangular dialogue.