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Jackie Taffanel studied under Karin Waehner, Ingrid Metzig, Myriam Berns and Jacques Patarozzi. She presented a dissertation on aesthetics and philosophy where she studied the regard involved within the creative process. In 1982, she presented Solo-un and Duo in Montpellier and in Avignon with Denis Taffanel, her “travelling companion”. In 1983, Neuf Portes was honoured at the Bagnolet International Choreographic Contest and, invited to the American Dance Festival, she went on to create the “Groupe Incliné”. Provided with a permanent studio in Montpellier (for 17 years) and support from local authorities and the French Ministry for Culture, she was able to carry out research. Jackie Taffanel would forge a reputation in “jeune danse” (young French dance): the fluidity of style, everything was in focus here, through relentless questioning, with the humility of the emerging scene and the indiscretion of intenseness.

Source : Compagnie Taffanel

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