Stephane Pauvret
Stéphane Pauvret – visual artist / scenographer
Stéphane Pauvret is a multi-disciplinary artist. A graduate from the École des arts décoratifs de Strasbourg (HEAR), the École d’architecture de Nantes (DPEA), and Sciences-Po in arts and politics, he approaches performing arts as a scenographer for the stage and cultural living spaces, artistic collaborator and documentarian for theater, dance and opera.
Since 2007, he has collaborated with Héla Fattoumi and Éric Lamoureux in all of their productions, contributing to stage theory in the broad sense of the term. His scenographic work has been frequently presented in Centres dramatiques, Centres chorégraphiques and Scènes nationales. As a visual artist, he has extensively exhibited his work a taken part to a great number of workshops, residencies and conferences in France and abroad.