Raymond Sarti
“From work to place, from stage to landscape. From meaning to form… This is how scenography takes shape.”
From the meticulous space of the silversmith’s matrix, he now shears the spaces to make places. With a view to combining the arts, plurality, as the basis of his approach, he collaborates with numerous directors, choregraphers, directors, visual artists, architects and landscape designers. It is througth these paths of crossings and encounters that his artistic journey is founded. Each project area is as much an intellectual experience as it is an artistic one, nourishing the context in wich it is produced.
He gives numerous lectures on the cultural issues of scenography and is a workshop speaker in French and international art schools and universities.
He has been teaching scenography since 2007 at the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs (ENSAD) in Paris.
In 2000, he was promoted Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres by Madame la Ministre Catherine Trautman.
In 2003, he received a grant from the Central Region’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry to assist with the creation of the company.
In 2004, the project Mémoire de garrigue Pont du Gard, a UNESCO-listed site, received the ARTURBAIN Prize.
In 2011, when he was appointed president of the union des Scénographes, he initiated an international conference under the aegis of ENSAD, whose theme « What scenography ? » will gather for two days, 50 scenographers, directors, choreographers, academics, coming from Europe to the Grande Halle de la Villette.
This first international meeting of scenography will result in acts “between Practices and Teachings”.
In 2016, he received the Prix du Design et de la scenographie « Paris shop Design » section Culture, awarded by the City of Paris, the CCI of Ile de France, the Arcitek Order, for the Conseil Général de la Réunion in Paris.
He is the author of numerous articles on scenography in publications, books, and is currently preparing an essay on scenography (To be published) Scenography. s, from the black box to landscapes».