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Marlène Saldana has worked with Yves-Noël Genod, Sophie Perez and Xavier Boussiron. She has also partnered with Daniel Jeanneteau, Thomas Lebrun, the Moving Theater (New York) and Krystian Lupa, among others.

Following the example of Friedrich Nietzsche, she knows that art is given to us to prevent us from dying from the truth, but she sometimes asks herself, just like Rodrigo Fresán does, why be an artist when we can talk about art and call our angora cat Orson and our poodle Muddy Waters?

To answer this question, she founded “The United Patriotic Squadrons of Blessed Diana” along with Jonathon Drillet. After “De Walkyries en Wagnériennes, Allemagne j’arrive” at the Hebbel Am Ufer Theatre in Berlin, they left for New York where they played “Yves Mourousi au Studio Chez Bushwick”, then A Chinese man in the trenches of Verdun winning the Kadhafi Prize” at the Park Avenue Armory, the first episode of their third-world trilogy: “Le Prix Kadhafi”.

This was followed by “L’Art moderne doit presque tout à l’Afrique” during the Beaubourg-la-Reine Festival (Pompidou Centre) and “Boum La Suisse : au delà de la passion, l’équilibre” at the Théâtre de Vanves.

They then went to the Belluard Festival in Fribourg, where they presented “Déjà, mourir c’est pas facile” then at the Théâtre de la Ville, where they lost the Danse Élargie Prize with “Un Alligator Deux Alligators Ohé Ohé” and then on to the Ménagerie de Verre where they presented “Combat de Reines : finale cantonale” and finally “DORMIR SOMMEIL PROFOND, l’Aube d’une Odyssée” at the Théâtre de Gennevilliers.

Updating: January 2012

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