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Christine Quoiraud studied contemporary dance and trained, from 1981, with Min Tanak

 In 1985, she became a member of her own company, Maï-Juku Dance Co, the  farmer dancers at the “Hakushu Body Weather Farm” in Japan.

In  1990, she returned to France to develop her creative process by teaching  on-body meteorology or the “Body Weather Laboratory”. She developed her  own creative projects and ran the “Marche et Danse” programme  thanks to a “Villa Médicis” external scholarship (1999). Different  projects around long distance walks, accompany her investigations into  the relationship between body/landscape, alone or in a group  (Yugoslavia, California, Spain, Australia, Great Britain, Montenegro,  Mexico, France, etc.).

She obtained a DMDTS research grant in 2002 for her project “duodityquemarchetdansechristinequoiraudjulienbruneau“, about a journey across France on foot.

In  2002, she worked with Hamish Fulton at Chamarande and the surrounding  area with 23 other young artists. An intensive 9-day walk inspired the  book “Walk Dance Art Co“, published by Filigranes. In 2011, she was invited by Stalker Rome to work on the project “Metropolis“.

In 2007, she crossed the Moroccan Atlas on foot for an inter-cultural project, “la dernière marche”. In 2016, she coached the dancers of the show “Badke” by Koen Augustijnen.

She was also coach, mentor and artistic consultant for Marzena Krzeminska’s solo “Too Beautiful“, with the cie Propaganda C, for Antoine Favral’s solo “when you talk about the swimmer” and for Pedro Prazeres’s solo “Green man “. He will work with her again for his research project “le corps outil” in 2017/18. She will accompany the duo Antoine Favral and Pedro Prazeres on “l’étranger” (temporary title), in 2018.

Today, she devotes herself to writing and archiving her work for the National Dance Centre of Pantin.

 She has been instructor since 2016 for Body Mind Centering®/Bonnie  Bainbridge Cohen/Anatomy through touch, sound and movement. She is a  trained sophrologist and practices Zen Soto.       

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