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 After 16 years of Modern’jazz training, Karla Pollux turns to hip-hop dance where she discovers the multitude of techniques offered by this urban art. Through various meetings and exchanges, she trained alone, then with a few semi-professional hip-hop dance companies and specialized in Street Dance (so-called standing dance).
Over the years, she asserts her personality through an energetic and committed dance, and defends a hip-hop dance, which confronts different emotions, and which is not afraid to make fun of.
Her journey leads her to meet great choreographers who will forever mark her: Dominique Hervieu, José Montalvo, Laura Scozzi, Sébastien Lefrançois, and many others …
All this artistic wealth acquired makes her want to create in her turn: she started the Naïades company in 1997, and created the shows Poupées de cire and Pom’Up, and staged an annual festival Le Show Cabaret Hip-hop in Concarneau ( 29).
From 2012, she joined, as a choreographer and performer, Cie De Fakto, directed by Aurélien Kairo, on various projects, La Nina de la casa Azul, Un Petit pas de deux sur ses pas, la Funkmobile.
Very attached to the pedagogical transmission, she intervenes for many years in different structures such as schools, remand centers, but also rehabilitation centers, hospitals and retirement homes, in order to share her passion, her culture. She obtained her state diploma in June 2014.
She has led, coordinated and choreographed the parades of the Biennale de la danse of the Compagnie De Fakto for 5 years.
In 2015, she assisted Dominique Hervieu, director of the Maison de la Danse de Lyon, on a major choreographic and participatory project, Babel 8.3, which was a huge success. She has collaborated very regularly with La Maison de la Danse de Lyon on educational actions as well as on events. 

Source: Formation I.D

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