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Marina Nordera is a teacher, responsible for the Master’s course at the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis Department of Dance, and director of the RITM research laboratory. She teaches the history of dance and the practice of historical dance. While studying the history of performing arts at the University of Venice, she also pursued her career as a performer and teacher in the field of Renaissance and Baroque dance. She went on to prepare her doctorate at the European University Institute in Florence, where she was a researcher on projects concerned with European cultural identity until 2002. In 2001 she founded AIRDanza (Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sulla Danza) with a group of other researchers, and was its president until 2004. She has collaborated on publications about dance from the fifteenth to eighteenth centuries in Italy. She was the scientific advisor for the exhibition “La construction de la féminité dans la danse” held at the Centre National de la Danse, Pantin from 4th November 2004 to 21st January 2005.

Last update : October  2010

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