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MØZ focuses on the creation of cultural projects, alongside  educational and environmental activities, which promote the development  of interdisciplinary thinking and arise social awareness, combining art  with technology and nature.

Active in areas such as dance,  cinema, theater, photography, videodance, art installations, interactive  technologies, multimedia and diving, team members merge separate areas  of activities in an effort to develop their practice based on innovation. It is dedicated to the  research and the dialogue between different art forms and disciplines,  mirroring the ever-changing contemporary environment.

MØZ initiates conditions of gatherings and  collaborations between people with diverse interests and gives freedom  for experimentation on ideas with artistic, social an scientific  orientation. The core of every project is the active participation of all those interested and the  fruitful interaction with each other. 

MØZ is founded by Chrysanthi Badeka and Marios  Zervas.It is embraced by different places and blossoms in various ways  through local and international collaborations.

Source: mAPs

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