Angels Margarit
Àngels Margarit belongs a generation of dancers and choreographers who emerged at late 70s at the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona. She continues his training at several schools in New York such as the Martha Graham school of dance and Merce Cunnigham Studio, among others.
After five years working with Heura collective, one of the pioneer dance groups in her country, Àngels Margarit creates MUDANCES (1985), a piece that will also give her company its name.
With her first shows, MUDANCES (1985) and KOLBEBASAR (1988), Margarit enters the international scene, where she will regularly present her work, touring more than 25 countries in programs and festivals of international prestige with pieces such as ATZAVARA, COROL.LA, SUITE D’ESTIU, ARBRE DE TE, the SOLO HOTEL ROOM series, TÈRBOLA, L’EDAT DE LA PACIÈNCIA, PECES MENTIDERES, EL SOMRIURE, SOLO POR PLACER, LARANDLAND, URBS or the shows for young audiences ORIGAMI and FLEXELF.
With a history of more than 30 years, some of the most recent projects have been Retrospective 25 years of Mudances, the creations ÓRBITAS Y DERIVAS, for the CND, FROM B to B, in collaboration with Thomas Hauert, NEXT and CAPRICIS, a choreographic score based on N. Paganini’s 24 Capricci, and CAPRICHOS a version for 22 interpreters of the CDC of Cuba. Her last creation with Àngels Margarit /cia. Mudances was BACK ÀBAC, which premiered in December 2016 at Mercat de les Flors.
Àngels Margarit has developed her creations and projects in different fields and formats: stage shows, sites, video dance, installations, research in new media, as well as improvisations and collaborations with other artists such as Joan Saura, María Muñoz, Núria Font, Andrés Corchero, Agustí Fernández, Alexis Eupierre, David Zambrano and Thomas Hauert, among others.
Throughout his career she has received numerous awards such as the Grand Prix du Concours Chorégraphique de Bagnolet for KOLBEBASAR (France, 1988), the Premi Nacional de Dansa of Catalonia for MUDANCES (1986) and TÈRBOLA (1999), the Premi Nacional d’interpretació for ATZAVARA (1991) and the Premi Ciutat de Barcelona d’Arts Escèniques for COROL·LA (1993). In 2005 she received the l’Associació de Professionals de la Dansa de Catalunya (ApdC), and in 2010, the Premio Nacional de Danza of the Ministerio de Cultura in the category of creation. FROM B to B, co-creation with the Swiss choreographer Thomas Hauert, received the creation award of the Swiss Dance Awards 2013. With CAPRICIS she received the Butaca 2014 award for the best dance show.
In 2017 she received the Actua award from Aisge for his career.
In 2022 Àngels Margarit is recognized with the distinction of Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres awarded by the Ministry of Culture of France.
In parallel to the creation, she has developed a transmission and pedagogy task with courses, workshops and repertoire within the m.a.p. program (mudances aula pedagògica) and in schools and trainings from all over the world such as La Manufacture de Lausanne, the OMTD in Amsterdam, the Skolen for Moderne Dans in Copenhagen, the CSD in Madrid and the CSD of the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona and professional training for dancers – COLINE in Istres. She teaches composition in the Movement for Education postgraduate program at the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona.
She choreographed GINGER (2014) for the OMTD in Amsterdam, PALIMSEST (2015) for the Coline formation of the Maison de la Danse d’Istres, and TRACK (2010), for the Skolen for Moderne Dans in Copenhagen, among other creations with students in training areas.
In the educational field, she has participated as a resident artist in En Residència from ICUB with Mercat de les Flors, in the 2012/13 academic year. she collaborates in the educational project Tandem schools with El Mercat de les Flors/Graner for the Bàrkeno school (2015/16/17). A project that promotes the integration of dance at school in transversality with the other subjects of the educational curriculum.
She has carried out and collaborated in different educational programs for different institutions.
She directed the Conservatori Superior de Dansa (CSD) of the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona during the 2006/2007 academic year.
She collaborates with different trainings and masters, such as Conservatori del Liceu, the RCR Summer Workshop, by RCR Arquitectes, Elisava School, the performing arts and movement in education postgraduate course at the Institut del Teatre de Vic.
In the field of management, she directs her structure Àngels Margarit/cia. Mudances since 1985, with which she has produced stage shows, musical creations for dance, video dance and professional training projects such as m.a.p.
As artistic director and curator, from 2003 to 2007 she promoted, conceptualized and directed the programming of Tensdansa, Terrassa’s International Dance Festival (Prize for the best dance program in Spain at the Feria de Huesca 2006).
Since 2017 she directs the Mercat de les Flors, casa de la dansa of Barcelona with exclusive dedication; temporarily leaving the creation and retreating the Àngels Margarit/cia. Mudances structure
She developed a first project at Mercat de les Flors, from 2017 to 2021. She is currently developing a new project of continuity with the previous one until 2025.
Source: Site Internet de Angels Margarit
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