Romuald Luydlin
Romuald Luydlin learns Butoh with Sumako Koseki and Noh Theater with Master Kano.
Magali Milian was trained at the Conservatoire d’Avignon and the CNDC of Angers.
Together, they practice aikido and experiment different approaches to the body.
They founded the company La Zampa where they are both choreographers and performers. Since 2000, they address different formats (small forms, group pieces, short films, performances).
In 2005, the carte blanche Dans le Collimateur, commissioned by DSN-Dieppe Scène Nationale, allowed them to deepen their relationship with music. From this experience is born a collaboration with the GMEA / Albi, National Center of Musical Creation. Their pieces, LA TOMBE DU PLONGEUR (The Diver’s Tomb), (call me) SAND, DREAM ON, are presented on stages dedicated to contemporary music. They then crossed the world of the collective Red Sniper (Patrick Codenys, musician and Kendell Gers, visual artist), and the director and videographer Bruno Geslin for whom they will interpret Crash(s)! Variation, free adaptation of J. G. Ballard’s novel. With the guitarist Marc Sens, they create REQUIEM (2010) based on texts of the rapper Casey, performed in France and in international places — Performance Mix Festival Joyce Soho et Center of Performance Research “Chez Bushwick” / New York, Studio 303 / Montréal, Festival Fabbrica Europa per le Arti Contemporanee / Florence, Teatro Metastasio / Naples…. In 2012, they joined the collective of authors Habits Noirs (Caryl Férey, Jean-Bernard Pouy) for the creation Dégradés.
In 2012/13, they participate in the European program Modul Dance / EDN (European Dancehouse Network) with SPEKIES, piece for a dancer and a guitarist, based on a text by Caryl Férey. That same year, they perform in the reprise of Mauvais Genre (Alain Buffard).
They are “Associate Artists” at the Théâtre de Nîmes for the 2014/15 and 2015/16 seasons, during which three projects will emerge, B & B, creation for young audiences, PIXIES 9CH, sound installation / performance by Valérie Leroux, and finally OPIUM in March 2016. In 2017, they design BLUE, which device allows to venture into more unusual terrain. Their last piece FAR WEST is born at the Montpellier Danse 2018 festival.
From 2019 to 2021, they devote themselves to a reflection on the “interregnum”, allowing them to apprehend two particular motifs : the motif of the night summoned in DEVENIR HIBOU (a play addressed to a young audience) and that of consent to the night which takes the form of an incessant breath in LA BELLE HUMEUR.
In 2022/2023, they are Associate Artists at the Théâtre Molière de Sète, scène nationale archipel de Thau.
Alongside Marie Reverdy – playwright, and Laurie Bellanca – artistic collaborator, they have since opened a space for creation and collaboration with Elise Peroi – textile artist, and Hervé Mazurel – historian of affects and the imaginary, as part of the Empire project.
Source: La Zampa