Artistic direction: David Climent and Pablo Molinero
Creation: 2003
Loscorderos was established in 2003 in Barcelona, although some members have been working together since 1994. Their first creation is “Crónica de José Agarrotado” they received the Aplaudiment Sebastià Gasch Award ” (…) risk is assessed through new proposals of communication, where all registers are meticulously taken care of, which allows us to feel humanity, dedication and teamwork (…), which leads to a brave pledge of commitment for dance and theatre that shows a clear evolution in the performing arts”.
In November 2011, at the Festival of Temporada Alta in Girona the new herd creation “El cielo de los tristes” (“Heaven of the miserable”), had its premier and was awarded the Prize for the best show in the CENIT III [Contest of new theatrical researchers] in Sevilla.
loscorderos is an artistic project whose creations are proposed to inquire into the nature of human beings in their efforts to control their animal instincts, their mechanisms of behaviour and relationships, the variability of their reactions… Its theatrical language is not based on the word, but on the inter-relationship between text and physicality, in order to find new ways of narrative to reach beyond our daily worlds, away from the simple portrait of reality.
Source: Art Stations Foundation