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Aldo Lee has studied at the University of Witwatersand (South Africa) where he is received as Bachelor of Art, with the highest distinction, in 1989. In 1995, he takes part in the International Video Workshop for Dance (Glasgow). He moves to fiction with Sacrifice (drama, 30 mn) for which he is awarded the best short-movie prize at the South African Cinema festival. He directs several documentary films and is awarded the prizes for best documentary for La double vie de Dona Ermelinda (The Double Life of Dona Ermelinda, 52 mn) at the festival Vues d’Afrique, Montréal in 1995 ; and in 1999, for Fermiers Blancs, Terre Noire (White Farmers, Black Land, 52 mn) at the festival of the Dhow Countries, Tanzania.

He collaborates notably with artists Rainer Ganahl, Boris Achour, Yann Kopp, and particularly choreographers Hervé Robbe, Jérôme Bel, Rachid Ouramdane… For the association edna, he co-directs Horace-Benedict in 2001 with Dimitri Chamblas and collaborates with Boris Charmatz for his film Une lente introduction (A Slow Introduction, 2007). In parallel, he works regularly as cameraman and director for various projects broadcasted on Arte, France3 (Striptease) or Channel Four.

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