Xavier Lazarini
Xavier has been trained as lighting designer by different classes (Ists fPtsc, ecole Nationale louis lumière), and has been the wizard of marie-christine soma, rémi Nicolas and Dominique bruguière. between 1991 and 1995, he managed the light department of the grande halle de la Villette.
Then he assumed the function of light manager and general manager for the compagnie of Josef Nadj (National choreographic center of orleans) from 1998 to 2004. he works in different artistic fields: theatre, circus, opera, and more preferentially in the field of contemporary dance, alongside hela fattoumi and eric lamoureux for ten years, and more recently with franck II louise, radhouane el meddeb, Xavier lot, aïcha m’barek and hafiz Dhaou.
Since two years, he developped architectural and museum lighting, and he works as lighting designer at the futuroscope in Poitiers, and at the general electric Pavilion of the beijing olympics. he also participated to the music festival