La Trisande
Founded in 1997 by Delphine Gaud and Franck Besson, La Trisande resided in Lyon until 2004, and created ten pieces. Bombyx Mori (2000), created at the Lyon Biennale of dance, encouraged its development. Liber Mundi (2003) and Tiamat (2004) asserted the identity of the company. These creations have been praised by the press and a loyal public.
In 2004, La Trisande moved to a former spinning mill in Saint-Julien-Molin-Molette (42). His studio, called Les Ailes de Bernard, in homage to the dancer choreographer Bernard Glandier, is open to dancers from all backgrounds, and intended for research, creation, training and interdisciplinary exchanges. We offer an internship program between February and October.
In 2006, Delphine Gaud opened a new research component, linked to space and landscape. She creates From Near or Far, a room for the outdoors, and explores another relationship with the spectator and the performance space.
Since 2006 she has been working on an original project, Tropismes, the fruit of her collaboration with visual artist Christophe Gonnet, whose central question is: are we able to slow down? This research has already given birth to 3 pieces: Tropismes trio (outdoor form of 50 minutes for 3 dancers), Tropismes duo (scenic form of 32 minutes for 2 dancers) and a performance form of the duo, more suited to public places such as museums , contemporary art centers.
Source: La Trisande company
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