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In 2000 Hervé Koubi created his first project Le Golem. Since 2001 he has collaborated with Guillaume Gabriel on all of his works. He created Ménagerie (2002) and Les abbatoirs, fantasie (2004). In 2006 he worked with the musician Laetitia Sheriff for the piece 4’30”. In 2007 he reworked a ‘déambulatoire’ (ambulatory piece) originally created for the Croisette de Cannes in 1997, Les Heures Florissantes for the festival ‘Cadences d’Arcahon’ and also a piece mixing contemporary writing and gestural hip-hop: Moon Dog. In 2008 he undertook three choreographic works based around three pieces of writing: Coppélia, une fiancée aux yeux d’émail… / Les Suprêmes / Bref séjour chez les vivants. He collaborated with the author Chantal Thomas for the creation of Les Suprêmes and with the ‘notateur’ (a specialist in choreographic notation) Romain Panassie (Benesh notation) on the work Bref séjour chez les vivants. In 2009 he started on a collaboration with the Ivorian dancers of the company ‘Beliga Kopé’ for the piece entitled Un rendez-vous en Afrique, and from the year 2010 until 2013 he has accompanied a troupe of twelve Algerian and Burkina Faso dancers for a fixed course between two creations, El Din (created in 2010/2011) and Ce que le jour doit à la nuit (created in 2013).

He has also worked with film-makers for video-dance projects, such as Max Vadukul and Yoji Yamamoto for the Chic Chef in 2009, Pierre Magnol for Body concrete in 2010 and Ovoid Edges in 2012, and once again Pierre Magnol along with Michel Guimbard for Body concrete 2 in 2011, and also Stéphane Chanzalon for Une Histoire des Traces which began in 2012 and will continue until 2015.

In parallel to the creative work of the ‘Compagnie Hervé Koubi’, he is also regularly invited to various professional training centres around France (‘EPSE DANSE’ in Montpellier, the ‘Centre National de la Danse’ in Lyon, and the ‘Ecole Supériere de la Danse’ in Cannes, etc.) and abroad (the national ballet of Ecuador, the ‘Ministere de la Culture et de la Francophonie’ in the Ivory Coast, the national ballet of Yucatan in Mexico). In 2012, at the invitation of Paola Cantalupo- director of the ‘Ecole Supériere de Danse de Cannes’- he became the choreographer of the boys contemporary variation for the qualification of ‘Diplôme National Supérieur Professionnel du Danseur’. In 2012, the ‘Forum Jaques Prévert de Carros’ obtained the support of the ‘Ministere de la Culture’ (France)- DRAC PACA through the ‘Projet identité mémoire construit’ for his collaboration with the ‘Compagnie Hervé Koubi’.

Further information

Updated: September 2014

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