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Mala  Kline (SLO/BE) is a performer, choreographer and writer. She holds BA  in philosophy and comparative literature (UL, Ljubljana), MA in theater  (DasArts, Amsterdam) and PhD in philosophy (UL, Ljubljana and in the  frame of a.pass research centre, Brussels). She is a certified  practitioner and teacher of Saphire™ imagery and dream work by Catherine  Shainberg and the School of Images (NYC). In 2005 she founded EMANAT –  institute for affirmation of contemporary dance in Slovenia, in 2010 The  School of Images Slovenia for dissemination of dream and imagery work  throughout EU, in 2011 DREAMLAB – a mobile platform for a joint  experimentation and a translation and reworking of Saphire™ imagery and  dream work into a tools and strategies for research, creation and  performance in the context of performing arts, and in 2018 ELIAS –  School of Prophecy, an institute located in pristine nature resort deep  in the wilderness of Southern Slovenia.

In her author-based choreographic works, such as Eden, Scores for Dreaming, Dream Hostel, Genesis, and Song  trilogy, she uses Saphire™ to facilitate individual and communal  dreaming in order to create unique singular worlds weaved from and  generated through the language of our dreaming. Her work is a constant  practice of presence, an ongoing return into the creative space where  dreaming and the here and now, juxtaposed, continuously penetrate and  inform each other. She has been awarded with the Golden Bird Award,  several Triton Awards and Ksenija Hribar Award for choreography among  others. ‘Mala Kline’s performances are based on theoretical premises and  in-depth research of the subject of performance. She is philosophically  versed and intelligent artist who has an exceptional ability on stage  of opening up ingenious images and spaces. Processing of archetypal  themes and effects she has developed a unique staging approach, which is  in its complexity capable of a wide range of astounding transformations  on the thin edge between chaos and emotionally precise structure.’  (Ksenja Hribar Award for Choreography)

Mala is one of the few authors of the (younger) generation in  Slovenia who combines dance and choreography in both Slovenia and  internationally with an in-depth theoretical reflection that artfully  fits into both the staging code and the philosophical conceptual  framework. She is the author of two books, Capfico: Writings From the Belly of the Whale published by Capfico/Madrid, and Theaters of Potential: Between Ethics and Politics published by Maska/Ljubljana. For Theaters of Potential: Between Ethics and Politics  she received Ksenja Hribar Award for theory and journalism. ‘The fact  that Mala Klina’s artistic opus is unreasonably extensive and  qualitatively one of the richest among artists of her generation  provides the philosopher with an exceptional conceptual apparatus with  experience and analytical insight of excessive level and, last but not  least, complex clarity of her thought.’ (Ksenija Hribar Award for  Theory)

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