Sophie Jacotot
Sophie Jacotot holds a Doctorate in History and has worked on the cultural transfers between America and Europe during the first half of the 20th century, and more specifically, on the introduction of American social dances (tango, fox-trot, samba, biguine, rumba, etc.) in France between the two world wars.
She has written a thesis entitled “Entre deux guerres, entre deux rives, entre deux corps. Imaginaires et appropriations des danses de société des Amériques à Paris (1919-1939)” under the direction of Pascal Ory at the University of Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne.
She was scientific curator for the exhibition “Scènes de bal, bals en scène” presented at the National Centre for Dance in Pantin in 2011. She was also one of the authors of the catalogue for this exhibition.
Last update : September 2011