Carlotta Ikeda
Sanae Ikeda was born in Fukui, a village on the Japanese Sea: « I used to walk in the country, and dizzy with all the smells of the plants, with all the nuances in the atmosphere, I danced » (…)
The kind of dance you learn came later, in Tokyo. « Rice sprout » (Sanae) was 19 when she first went through the door of a « dance course ». But at that time, the Butô, that « dance of darkness » was born in Japan. Tatsumi Hijikata had invented it, that angel and devil who was to proclaim in 1968 the revolt of the flesh. Like other young people in her generation, Carlotta threw her body into battle. This life-long involvement can by no means be regarded as naiveorinnocent. (…)
Whoever has seen Carlotta Ikeda dancing knows to what point she masters that art of metamorphosis, how she can make it at the same time obvious and invisible, how she can extend the time of the vision in a « slowness of movement allowing all possible interpretations » (Paul Claudel). The metamorphosis at stake here is not that of an histrion, one who knows how to make a caricature out of expressive imitations. In Carlotta Ikeda, this is a change of inner state, involving the whole body (…)
Ariadone, the company that Carlotta Ikeda founded in 1974, refers to that Ariane s thread, that follows Carlotta Ikeda from one show to the next (…)
Source: Cie Ariadone ‘s website (Jean-Marc Adolphe)
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