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After studying philosophy at the École Normale Supérieure (Paris) and City College (New York), Laurent Goldring turned his attention to his artistic work, at the crossroads of the visual arts, video, photography and film. His work was immediately noticed: a solo exhibition at the Centre Pompidou in 2002 commissioned by Christine Van Assche, a portrait by Jacqueline Caux followed by two articles, by Laurence Louppe and Laurent Goumarre, in Artpress, then an interview with Cyril Beghin and Stéphane Delorme and a text by Françoise Parfait brought rapid recognition.

He has worked in a succession of major institutions: FRAC Franche Comté (Cesser d’être un 2020 for Dancing Machine), Musée des Beaux Arts de Lyon (2019), Kindl Berlin, Venice Biennale (Der Bau and Collective Jumps, 2016), Garage, Moscow (Collective Jumps, 2016), Le Bal (Cesser d’être un, 2016), Jeu de Paume (Broken Loops, 2014), MOMA PS1 (La Rencontre, 2014), Fondation Gulbenkian (Sculpture mobile #4, 2002), Musée National d’Art Moderne (Expo N°26, 2002). ..
With links to the world of dance, his images of the body have influenced many choreographers. He was directly involved in the creation of Xavier Le Roy’s shows Blut et Boredom, Ectoderme and Self-Unfinished (1996-1998), and Maria-Donata d’Urso’s Pezzo 0 (uno et due) (2002). He then co-wrote with Benoit Lachambre, Saskia Holbling and Louise Lecavalier the pieces rrr… (reading readings reading) (2001), Is you me (2008) and Squatting Project (2012-2016), with Germana Civera, Figures (2008), with Isabelle Schad, Unturtled (2009/2012), Der Bau (2013) and Collective Jumps (2014), and with Eva Klimackova, Ouvrir le temps (2014). In 2016 and 2017, Le Palais de Tokyo showed a dozen videos of bodies (Alter Ego), while Le Bal (Paris) and Garage (Moscow) presented living sculptures, performances inside sculpted or woven spaces.
In 2018-2019, he created Fauteuils at Uzes danse and at the Potager du roi, which he redeployed in 2020 in the monumental Hall of the FRAC Franche-Comté. In 2021, he completed an experimental cartoon with Louise Lecavalier. Acquired in 2022, the monumental installation Cesser d’être un will be on view as part of a wide-ranging retrospective in Laurent Goldring’s solo exhibition at FRAC Franche-Comté in 2024. A selection of the works acquired by the Centre Pompidou (eight recent works acquired in 2022, 24 images seconde acquired in 2013, Petite chronique de l’image (1995/2002) acquired in 2003, Sans titre acquired in 1984) will be shown in the museum’s permanent collection from 2023.

Laurent Goldring est représenté par la Galerie Maubert, Paris :

Source: Galerie Maubert

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