Gilles Nicolas – prop master
Gilles Nicolas studies and practices engraving and lithography under the direction of the painter and engraver Mathéos Florakis in Berlin, then in Geneviève Couteau’s studio in Clisson. He takes part in several exhibitions in Paris’ Grand Palais, Nantes and Bruxelles. At the request of Dick Annegarn, he illustrates a dozen of his songs.
He permanently uses sketching, drawing, painting and sculpting and specializes in conception and fabrication of « dioramas ». He also makes animal sculpture and bronze and participates in museum projects for example for the Centre Georges Pompidou (« L’univers de Borgès », « Ombre et lumière »), the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie and the national Natural History Museum of Paris.
In 2006 he works for the first time with Carolyn Carlson on the piece for young audience « Les rêves de Karabine Klaxon » and since 2007 he teaches scenography in ENSATT school (National School of Arts and Techniques for Theatre).