Virginie Garandeau
Virginie Garandeau is a dance history professor, a speaker and an independent researcher. She works with a wide range of organizations (conservatories, training centres), including the CNSMDP (Higher National Conservatory of Music and Dance, Paris) where she is Associate Professor. She speaks in conferences throughout France on a variety of subjects focusing on western dance. She also provides her talents for publications specializing in dance history and choreographic culture. These include, the “Dictionnaire de la danse” (Larousse), the catalogue for the exhibition “Scènes de bal, bals en scène” (from the CND) in 2011, the annals for the Association for a research centre on 17th and 18th century performing arts (learned society working on 17th and 18th century performing arts), literary work for young people on jazz dance, published by Gallimard and the “Dictionnaire sur la création feminine” to be published by Des femmes publishing house. She also holds a State Diploma as a Professor of Contemporary and Jazz Dance, and has many years experience of classical ballet and baroque dance. She has also danced, written and played for the stage and for the audiovisual sector.
Virginie Garandeau was scientific curator for the exhibition “Scènes de bal, bals en scène” presented at the National Centre for Dance in Pantin in 2011. She was also one of the authors of the catalogue for this exhibition.
Last update : September 2011