Raoul Auger Feuillet
Raoul Auger Feuillet continues to be remembered as the author of La Chorégraphie ou l’art de décrire la danse par caractères, figures et signes démonstratifs, published in 1700, translated into English by John Weaver in 1706 as Orchesography. Or the Art of Dancing. In this reference work, where the term choreography refers to movement writing/notation, Feuillet, reflecting 17th-century analytical mindset, exposes his conception of dance as a system of signs – minimal movement units – whose combinatorics leads to the creation of steps offering numerous codified variations. Le Recueil de danses de bal et d’entrées de ballets which accompanies the Chorégraphie implements his theoretical principles which reveals the richness and complexity of Baroque movement vocabulary to us.
Source : program of the 13th Rencontre Danse en amateur et répertoire, 25-26 May 2019