Lucie Eidenbenz
After a Bachelor in Arts, Lucie Eidenbenz joins the cursus Exerce, a choreographic course directed by Mathilde Monnier in CCN Montpellier. Since then she has been working with diferent artists such as Marco Berrettini, Laura Kalauz, Mathilde Monnier, Diana Rojas, Maya Boesch, Luna Paese, Superamas, Yan Duyvendak and Olivier Dubois. In 2009 she takes part in the seminar Transforme directed by Myriam Gourink (FR). Lucie’s works Traum Project (2010), Animals are like water in water (2011) ,Te Boiling Point (2011), Last Plays (2014)tour in Switzerland and in Europe in diferent contexts, such as Téâtre de l’Usine, Festival Archipel (CH), Xplore Dance Festival Bucharest, Festival Il faut brûler pour briller (FR), Festival Insoliti (IT), Festival la Becquée (FR), Festival, Amplitudes (CH), La Gaîté Lyrique (Paris), Tanzhaus Zu rich, Tanzfaktor Interregio (CH), Festival de la Cité (CH), Dock11 Berlin (DE), etc. She’s part of the artist network Sweet&Tender Collaborations, for which she curates the 2012 creation and exchange platform in Dampfzentrale à Berne. In 2015 she joins the programm of Experimentation in Arts and Politics (SPEAP) at Sciences Po Paris, directed by Bruno Latour and created “Hospitalités”. In 2016 she participated in the “Art & Dissent, Negociating Space” seminar at the ZHDK, Zürich.
Source: Lucie Eidenbenz ‘s website
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