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Performer and choreographer Vincent Dupont is an associated artist at the Maison de la Danse and the Lyon Biennale de la Danse for the 2023-2024 season. 

A multidisciplinary artist, Dupont combines diverse art forms into choreography. Theatre, film and art installations all have a place in his singular work: a dizzyingly surreal blend of the archaic with the ultramodern. In Incantus and Air, the dancers’ breath is played through speakers, melding with the voices of a contemporary music ensemble. Amplifying the dancers’ breath, heightens the reverberations of their movements through the space. 

Dupont draws on the visual arts (Jachères improvisations is inspired by an installation by artist Stan Douglas), and the dramatic arts (Mettre en pièce(s) is a free adaptation of the play Offending the Audience). His work is both radical and transgressive. In in Hauts Cris (miniature), Dupont sits alone in a cluttered, bourgeois living room, until his rage boils over into destruction. In Refuge, an allegory of duality, two manual labourers, stuck performing repetitive movements, sabotage the machine that alienates them. 

In 5 apparitions successives Vincent Dupont shifts between different mediums, blurring the line between the visible and the invisible and experimenting with a diversity of images: analogue, digital and even subliminal. With pieces like Stéréoscopia to No reality now, he creates immersive installations that warp audience perception. Condensed from fragments of dreams, his work is an investigation of the line between reality and fiction, image and life, that cumulates in the mind of an audience aroused to heightened sensations. 

Alix de Morant 

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