Antoine Dufeu
He founded Lic (research, publication, creation) in 2012. A member of the SACD (Society of Dramatic Authors and Composers) and the Scam (Civil Society of Multimedia Authors), he is also the associated author of the ESA (European Society of Authors and Translators). Some of his most notable publications include inch’menschen (pub. MIX, 2004), SEnsemble (pub. Le clou dans le fer, 2008), Abonder (pub. NOUS, 2010), AGO – autoportrait séquencé de Tony Chicane (pub. Le Quartanier, 2012). In 2014 he published DGNOUCBW and Blancs, as well as writing Nous for the stage with Thierry Raynaud based on the eponymous book he wrote and published with MIX publications in 2006. In addition, he appears in regular performances, particularly with Valentina Traïanova (latest creation: Frankistan, 2013).