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Born in 1963, Fabrice Domenet lives and works in Paris.
Initially trained in choreographic studies, he exercises his profession as a dancer while at the same time devoting himself to photography which he practices as a self-taught person. A close relationship is inscribed between these two inseparable fields which question the relationship of the body-presence to space and time. Coming from the “film” generation, Fabrice Domenet invested very young in his first camera and simultaneously acquired a photographic enlargement. He then practices black & white printing in a dark room. Spotted by image experts during portfolio conference meetings in Paris in 2015, he exhibited for the first time at the Voies Off Arles 2016 Festival. Since then, he has been invited to exhibit in various galleries in Paris, in the provinces and abroad. He is one of the permanent artists of the Mondapart Gallery in Boulogne-Billancourt-Paris and of the Angle photographs Gallery in Hendaye.
Source: Bis edition

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