Zaza Disdier
Elisabeth Disdier, choreographer – stage director, known as Zaza Disdier
Author and member of the SACD. Administrator of Agessa. Representative of the choreographic sector at the Conseil National du Syndeac (2004-2005). European expert for West Africa.
Following an eclectic initial training in dance, music and song, she taught classical and contemporary dance for a decade and participated in the emergence of the latter in the 1970s. Assistant to Dominique Bagouet (1986-1991), she adopted an artistic approach for mixing text and movement, through the creations for her company Articulation and in the theatre, by giving value to contemporary texts, both in France and overseas (Switzerland, Portugal, Italy, Ecuador, Brazil, Chile, Benin). At the same time, she supported a large number of companies.
Following her decisive encounter with hip-hop dance in 1994 (management of Sobedo, a hip-hop tale for the TCD), she devoted herself to the recognition of this movement:
– by her missions in the institution and in response to commissions (La Villette from 1996 to 1999, Préfet de Seine-Maritime/Antigone 002, Assises franciliennes de la Culture in 2004, Départements Seine-et-Marne/Rêves de vies, and Essonne/Violenz, Ville de La Roche-sur-Yon/Sport Circus, national Venues, Associations, Theatres, etc.),
– by her trilogy of hip-hop shows (Vol Plané, a text by Vincent Ravalec, Prix Beaumarchais; and with her own texts, Bouge de là-Break sur canapé and La Tête à l’Envers – A short picture story of hip-hop dance), as well as by the experience Défi d’Ecritures at the Festival Concordance/Bagnolet and the documentary Les Pas dans les Pas (2009) and Thony Maskot’s portrait,
– and through a variety of articles.