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Trained as an architect, the visual artist, video artist and scenographer Laure Delamotte-Legrand carries out a multi-dimensional work, paying particular attention to space and the body.

During her studies, she discovered the notion of the genius of place, which has had a lasting impact on her work – the question of context is essential in her creative process. In addition to this, she is interested in the analysis of movement: sensitive to dance since childhood, she nourished her career with a DEA in Theatrical and Choreographic Studies at the University of Paris VIII.

Since her beginnings, she has occasionally directed workshops in plastic arts and scenography, in partnership with numerous cultural structures in the visual arts or the performing arts, these times of transmission and exchange with various audiences tinting her vision of others and the world. For seven years, she also curated exhibitions for contemporary art events, before devoting herself exclusively to her creation.

The presence of the body, and more precisely the gesture, is at stake in her solo works as well as in her collaborations with the contemporary dance milieu, in which video plays an essential role. She likes to define herself as a visual artist of gesture and dance. Among the many French or foreign choreographers with whom Laure Delamotte-Legrand works, we can mention Julie Nioche, Thierry Thieû Niang, Emmanuelle Vo-Dinh, Shifts art in movement, Du vivant sous les plis, Lisa Da Boit, Pierre Droulers, Mustafa Kaplan. In parallel to the creations in which she takes part, the artist puts her vision of video gesture at the service of choreographers for the video recording of their pieces.

The identity of her creations is hybrid; objects, photographs, performances and videos are gathered in devices or installations, presented for about fifteen years in art centers, choreographic centers, national stages or in situ. These multiple supports are as many complementary facets to tell a context, to depict a sensitive atmosphere, to translate one or several encounters. 

The meeting of the other and his gestural testimony are indeed also part of the fundamentals of his creative process.

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