Compagnie Catherine Gaudet
Compagnie Catherine Gaudet in on elusive reality, pursuing an interest in the imperceptible, presenting the body as a place of resonance for contradictory sensations percolating beneath the surface. She creates a universe of endlessly fluctuating metamorphoses where characters, doomed to perpetual mutation, make visible a dizzying descent deep into the self. Ever emerging and evolving, they embrace and meld together only to then break apart, disturbing the very space they are shaping and escaping from. Under the spectator’s gaze identity becomes multi-layered as it proliferates, dissipates and reappears. Strange yet familiar, these ambiguous bodies evoke the sinuous trajectory of being in the world.
Onstage, the performers rise to the challenge of incessantly reconstructing a finely crafted choreographic composition. Combining raw movement with extreme control over form, they present a performative dance where the body is both receiver and transmitter of subconscious, invisible forces. Plunged into infinite variations of muscular tensions that reveal a jumble of interconnected impulses and urges, moods and ideas, the dancers portray a transformed and expanded reality that offers multiple ways of perceiving life and the living.
Source: Company’s website
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