Centre chorégraphique national de Tours
An open, federating venue, the CCNT offers a season reflecting this desire for openness: regular dates, discoveries, works by emerging or already famous choreographers, a festival in June imagined around a theme. The choice not to isolate spectators in one dance genre only and thus lead them to discover and appreciate the full breadth and diversity of dance, is behind all the other aspects of the project: studio residencies, vocational training, and guidance of amateur dancers, as well as actions for awareness-raising of all publics to choreographic art. Thomas Lebrun aims at a CCNT that reflects his choreographic approach: open and responsive, attentive to a public that must continuously be revitalised and made curious, interested and tolerant. A venue attentive to the changes in the world and the artistic synergies surrounding it. A venue charged with emotions, a driver of discussions and discoveries. A dynamic and active venue, eager for perspectives, desires and surprises.
Source: CCNT’s website
More information : www.ccntours.com