Farid Berki
Farid BerkiFarid BerkiFarid BerkiFarid Berki, a native of the North of France, is an unorthodox choreographer.
choreographer. Since the creation of his Cie Melting SpotCie Melting SpotCie Melting SpotCie Melting Spot in 1994, he has been daring enough to break down stylistic barriers styles. Among his many escapades, he has imagined a flamenco solo, revisited the classic ballet ballet Petrouchka, and 15 years later was inspired by the work of the same composer for an evening of Stravinsky in hip hop mode. With each project, he re-examines the validity of his message and his language. Writing and invention, élan and virtuosity, his score uses hip hop vocabulary by shifting it, stopping it in its tracks, and then reworking it stopping it in its tracks, deconstructing it. Through his reflections on transmission and the repertoire, Farid Berki, an internationally acclaimed choreographer, is a pioneering figure in hip hop dance.
Source and more information: http://www.ciemeltingspot.fr/en/farid-berki/