Nadine Beaulieu
Nadine Beaulieu has led her dance career abroad, in particular with the Erick Hawkins Company in New York from 1991 to 1996. Simultaneously, she was trained by Susan Klein on the “release technique” and by Lucia Dugloszewski, contemporary music composer. When she left the United States for France in 1996, she created her own company, now established in Rouen, Upper Normandy.
As a “liaison artist”, Nadine Beaulieu’s approach studies bodies and systems in their intimacy, their individuality, then joins them together or creates a tension between them in a symbolic and poetic dimension. Within this framework, she has created and has been invited to create artistic projects in a variety of situations and in extremely varied forms.
She has created: “Animae tuae”, for a dancer and a voice (1996), “Au delà-dedans”, solo (1997), “Scratch & Snap”, creation for two dancers, two sonorous costumes and a voice (1998), “Pochette à deux”, for two dancers and a string quartet (2000), “Quadruplex”, for two dancers and two visual artists (2002), “In Vitro”, an event for thirteen dancers, four architects and a musician, “Densité/Dansité”, a danced and architecture event for the cultural event “Lille, European Capital of Culture” (2004), “Transparence”, for six dancers (2005), “Les Figures du corps en mouvement”, dance-video and installations (2005), “Y a-t-il quelqu’un là-dedans ?” for three performers (2006), “(IN)finNI”, for a dancer and a flutist (2008).
Nadine Beaulieu trained in classical and contemporary dance and holds a State Diploma as a contemporary dance teacher and is a national interministerial staff member for creating partnerships.
Updating: September 2011