Ballet junior de Genève
Created in 1980, the Ballet Junior de Genève is a true stepping stone from training to professional life.
It allows dancers from all styles to work with many choreographers and perform on stage several times each season. By reinforcing their expertise with stage experience, it facilitates their start into the profession.
The daily work schedule is the same as that for a professional dance company.
The collaboration with renound professionals is constant and exchanges with similar organisations abroad is regularly organised. Works are either re-stagings or outright creations. The Ballet Junior has a vast repertoire.
The Ballet Junior de Genève is a pre-professional company and a house of artistic emergance that favours contacts with the professional scene. The dancers do not receive a salary. Each year many of these young dancers enter top level companies on leaving. Over the years, the company has acquired an international reputation.
Check out the company’s activities and archives on its dedicated pages.
Source: Ballet junior de Genève’s website
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